The Condens 7000 WP 50kW and 65kW are the perfect boiler for larger residentialproperties. Large homes require more heating and hot water to cover more heating spaceand multiple bathrooms. Common domestic boilers may not be able to fulfil this outputrequirement, therefore a Condens 7000 WP would be a great alternative.

This boiler is well suited for any light commercial application and output can be selectedbased on the heating requirement. With multiple outputs and a compact size, it’s an idealchoice for single boiler systems or as a multi-boiler cascade system for applications wherespace is restricted but there is a demand for a modern high output, high efficiency heatingsolution.The Condens 7000 WP 145kW boiler can be cascaded in banks of up to 6 boilers per bankproviding up to 860kW per bank. Control strategies can provide cascade and sequencing forup to 16 boilers at a time providing up to 2.2MW of power.

If the application is a large school or a care home where heating and hot water is in constantdemand and the welfare of users highly depends on it, then multiple boilers in a cascadewould be necessary. This is because it provides assurance that there will always be afunctioning heating system, even if a problem were to occur with one boiler within thecascade. Outputs of 145kW and through cascading, up to 860kW are perfect for theseinstallations.

The Condens 7000 WP is also suitable for district heating systems where the plant roomgenerates the hot water and Heat Interface Units (HIUs) are installed into several individualproperties. The HIUs enable users to adjust the temperatures and hot water use within theirown property.
The boilers can be cascaded in banks of six, using our in-line or back-to-back cascade kits, providing up to 858kW output. You can control up to 16 boilers by linking multiple MC400 control sequencers (7738111001).
What are the boiler weights?
50 - 100kW without pump groups are 74kg
125 and 150kW without pump group are 97kg
Can I replace a GB162 with a GC7000WP?
V1’s? V2’s?You can connect a GC7000WP to an existing GB162 pump group using a conversion kit (from V1 7736701877) (from V2 7736701878) for 50KW – 100KW only.
How do I assemble the cascade frame?
Please see the video’s in the link below:
Is the GC7000WP a wall hung boiler?
The GC7000WP comes with a wall hanging bracket as standard. Installers have the option to hang the boiler on the wall or use our frame kits.